training for life

This is your life, right? This life is up to you, right? Training can help you feel good, right?

Welp. Here is it: training and life are related and they want to be healthily knitted together. Often times, we think that if we start training for an event like a wedding or the summer body or a vacation that we are going to be happier in life. Not the case. I don't know about you but I want to be healthy to the end. I want my legs to carry me around for all my years. I want to enjoy my life fully + physically. This is why I train for life. This is why the relationship between training and life needs to be a healthy one. A negative close relationship of the two is a short road. You might get their quick and you might easily fall down and forget what you're why is for training. Totally normal. But hey, try this on. Bring a healthy long-term game mind-set to this table and training changes. If we start training for life and simply wanting to feel good, our training starts to look a lot different. We don't kill ourselves and go on diets to lose lbs or inches. We enjoy the treats once in a while. We move because we get to and because we keep everything in perspective. We see the big picture of life. We remember that we don't know how long we have in this life and it's never too early to start feeling better simply for the sake of feeling better. Want to start training for life? find out here.
